MDA Ltd Frontier Park, Blackburn Case Study
About MDA
When MDA needed additional storage and processing space for their expanding customer base they spoke to Rack-Master to help design the facility. MDA took on the brand new, 185,000 square feet FP One property on the Frontier Park development in Blackburn and the final design includes 15,400 pallet locations, barriers, labelling, lighting, emergency lighting, fire alarm, MHE charging facilities, Goods-In pod and access controls, all carried out and managed by Rack-Master.
As the UK market leader, MDA is dedicated to the storage, collation/preparation and delivery of marketing materials and core products for many of the world’s leading brands and retailers. With 6 fulfilment centres across the UK spanning over 90,000 square metres, MDA handles over 3 million orders a year for the likes of Coca-Cola, Unilever, Heineken, Mars, Diageo and Nestle and with over 400 team members posted a turnover of c £46m in 2019.
About Staci
Staci is Europe’s market leader of marketing and non-merchant goods fulfilment, delivering 13 million orders a year for clients including Coca-Cola, Free, Lilly and Peugeot Citroen Automobiles. A £300m+ business with 2,500 team members.
Rack-Master have worked with MDA on a number of significant projects over the last 2 years, including mezzanine floors, goods lifts, pallet racking, shelving, bespoke storage solutions and their supporting ancillary works.
The design process for Frontier Park began in September 2019 with site works commencing, once the site was available, in January 2020. Rack-Master worked closely with MDA to ensure that lessons from previous sites were incorporated and that maximum flexibility around the MDA business model was employed.
The project was delivered on time and to budget with partial handover milestones included. With full time, in house site management we kept to budget and to time lines with complete collaboration and support from Torque and their extremely professional management team.